Have you reviewed research and good practice literature to help you consider what the lay perspective might be for this work?
Need to review the Healthtalk HF section.
Sian agreed to discuss with HERG to see if a trigger film could be made.
As a minimum we will carry out a simple web review of Healthtalk content to look at pulling out outcomes that matter to patient.
Have you reviewed research and good practice literature to help you consider what the lay perspective might be for this work?
Have you discussed how you might approach defining the needs or priorities with individual patients/carers or the public?
Have you discussed how you might approach defining the needs or priorities with individual patients/carers or the public?
Once Healthtalk reviewed then set-up discussion group to test out findings - Sian and Hannah - September
Have you established a group, event and/or process for discussion that includes lay people?
Have you established a group, event and/or process for discussion that includes lay people?
? given that the project is already defined then this is not needed.
Have you considered whether you need to include the views of seldom heard groups?
Have you considered whether you need to include the views of seldom heard groups?
Part of the scoping will include a review of the the epidemiology and defining those that do not engage - Hannah, end of July. The further discussion with Sian to see if any focused seldom heard work should be done.
27th June 2019
Testing that the comments work